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The main difference between a bridge and a crown is the way in which they function. While a crown is used to cover an existing tooth, a dental bridge is used to fill in the missing space caused by one or more lost teeth. A bridge is made up of one or more false teeth with one crown on either end of the bridge.


In cases where teeth have become decayed, damaged, or lost altogether, restorative dental procedures are used to repair the issue and maintain proper function. With a restoration, your tooth can continue to function and be a healthy component of your beautiful smile.


Every restoration we create is crafted for both durability and esthetics. We recognize how important it is to have a smile that is both comfortable and long-lasting, and we take your needs seriously. Please contact us to learn more or schedule a first visit.


What Is A Dental Crown?

A crown (or cap) is a covering that encases the entire tooth surface restoring it to its original shape and size. A crown protects and strengthens tooth structure that cannot be restored with fillings or other types of restorations. Although there are several types of crowns, porcelain are the most popular. They are highly durable and will last many years.


What Is A Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge offers a highly effective, stable, and fixed solution for replacing missing teeth. The crowns that fill in for the missing teeth are held in place with crowns attached to the adjacent healthy teeth. Bridges are an affordable option for tooth replacement, particularly if you are not a good candidate for dental implants.

Crowns & Bridges


A healthy smile happens by prioritizing your daily regimen and professional routine visits. At Family Care Dental, our goal is to keep you from needing invasive and urgent treatments by tackling the small problems before they have a chance to progress. That’s why we focus our efforts on thorough preventive dental treatments, like semi-annual checkups and cleaning. 


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Cleanings and oral exams are essential for every patient, and we highly recommend you see either Dr. Scott Perras or Dr. Denise Perras regularly every six months. Our experienced dentist and compassionate team members are dedicated to restoring your smile and your dental health. 


Periodontal Therapy

When gingivitis or mild gum disease is allowed to progress, periodontitis or periodontal disease can overtake your mouth. This disease can put you at risk for losing your teeth and can also affect your health and well-being.


Dental Sealants

Highly effective in preventing decay on the biting surfaces of your back teeth, sealants are a simple procedure in which a tooth-colored acrylic coating is painted on the surface of the tooth.  Sealants protect the depressions and grooves of your teeth from food particles and plaque that brushing and flossing cannot reach.


Oral Cancer Screenings

Catching oral cancer in its early stages before it spreads and becomes more serious can save a patient’s life. During your regular checkup and teeth cleaning, your Doctor will provide an oral exam to check on your overall oral health. This will include a detailed review of your gums and teeth. 


Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride occurs naturally and is found in food and water. In addition to preventing tooth decay and cavities, it can also help in the remineralization of tooth enamel. When fluoride is deposited on the surface of teeth, it helps make them resistant to acids created by plaque and sugars. These treatments are quick, painless, and one of the easiest ways to keep your teeth healthy between appointments.

Preventative Care


If your dental treatment requires oral surgery, then you can rest assured that you’re in compassionate and experienced hands!


At some point, extraction of a tooth may be the only option available. Sometimes a tooth needs to be removed in order to preserve your oral health. Our care team may determine that you need a tooth extraction for various reasons.



Some teeth are extracted because they are severely decayed while others may have advanced periodontal disease or have broken in a way that cannot be repaired. Other teeth may need removal because they are poorly positioned in the mouth, or in preparation for orthodontic treatment.


Your dentist at Family Care Dental has been trained to preserve every tooth possible. When extraction is necessary, his training and experience allow him to perform the treatment with minimal to no pain.

Oral Surgery


We’re standing by to ensure you get the dental care you need! It’s impossible to predict when you’re going to have a dental emergency.


But when pain or injury strikes, the last thing you need to worry about is finding a dentist who will see you right away.


At Family Care Dental, we are here to help you schedule an emergency appointment to determine the source of the problem and the best course of treatment.


We will make every effort to see you as promptly as possible.

Emergency Dentistry


We provide at-home Zoom whitening treatments!

With this method, you apply our take-home whitening kits yourself, meaning you can get whiter teeth when and where you want.


To ensure you have a safe and comfortable experience, all our tooth whitening treatments start with a consultation with your dentist. They will prescribe the best whitening kit for your teeth, and answer any questions you may have.


Then you’ll be fully armed with the knowledge to safely and effectively whiten your smile at home.


Call us today to schedule your teeth whitening treatment!

Clear Align Therapy
Teeth Whitening


Nitrous oxide Sedation
Also known as "laughing gas", this colorless gas is inhaled through a mask or nosepiece. It can cause feelings of euphoria, calmness, and sleepiness, and can also help relax muscles.


Patients can quickly return to normal after stopping the inhalation, but may feel groggy for most of the day. Nitrous oxide is often used for simple dental exams and cleanings, or for children who are anxious about the dentist or have a strong gag reflex.

IV sedation
This is the deepest form of conscious sedation available in a dental office setting. The sedative is injected directly into the bloodstream, and can take effect almost immediately.


IV sedation can provide a deeper sense of relaxation than nitrous oxide, and can be customized to fit individual needs. It's often used for more severe cases of anxiety and dental fear, or for patients with a heavy gag reflex.


However, patients are not fully unconscious during IV sedation, and will still be conscious enough to respond to questions and requests.

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